Thursday, November 3, 2011

Symptomatic times

Noun: the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.

Blood pumping ten-to-the-dozen, saturated veins filled with the cocktail of another evening of hastily made decisions. I take a deep breath and plunge straight into it, the madness of another night. Becoming part of a wild mulling entity swirling, twisting, drawing me into a vortex of super charged vulgarity. The dace floor packed with sweaty bodies jerking to the rhythm of a repetitive track, the bass setting the pace of the swirling mass.

Time wasted, time spent...

"Time is relative," or so we are told by those who impose deadlines.

My ruthless pursuit, a symptom of my time. Never sick, never healthy hanging by the threads of my scull, thinking myself through another day. Lighting another one, in between times spent sitting mindlessly sucking knowledge. Ideas imposed on an already saturated brain, wreaking havoc in the cavities of our collective existence. The products of our predecessors.

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